Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 314

Mark And His Bus

When my brother saw Lisa in her VW he wanted to know why I didn't paint a green bus, so I did. AND I painted it in front of his pub Jones Radiator in Spokane, WA. They serve all kinds of fab beer and live music to boot. If you live there or are passing thru it is definitely worth a stop. This is not an ad for them, it it simply the truth (according to me, of course).

February 18, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 312

Lisa in Naples With Her Dogs

This is my friend Lisa. Lisa has three dogs, Stark (golden retriever), Bruce (small white) and Lucy who's a little princess (maltese). Lisa has a convertible VW Bug. Lisa is lucky she gets to live in Florida where it is warm. Lisa is very happy.

Artistic license, last year when I was in Naples I took a picture of a Lilly Pulizter Jeep outside their store and Lisa loved it. So I thought it would be fun to paint her little Bug the same as the Jeep. A girl can dream can't she?

February 16, 2012

Day 307

Coco's Party With 6 Little Girls
(Party 1)

The table setting.

Everything was recycled. Starting with the centerpieces. The bases are old potting containers filled with pink paper easter grass topped with a ball made from green paper easter grass. The tablecloth is just my basic white cloth but covered with paper from a roll I had leftover from my old business. I used my kids crayons to make charger plates, spots for the glasses, and napkins. I think it turned out pretty cute AND cheap.

Party favors I painted a few days earlier

All the little girls (except one)

Jack & Coco's Party
(Party 2)

I rolled out more paper and recolored the chargers, glasses and napkin spots. This time I put the party favors on the plates and it was absolutely adorable.

The place setting. The party favors were repurposed too. The clear bags are from the cellophane covers from cards, the white insert it packaging from Crate & Barrel shipping just cut down.

The boys

February 11, 2012
The Next Party
(2 hours after the 1st party)


The boys at the party

And two little girls

February 10, 2010

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Party Treat Bags

Instead of names I painted each little guest's face (hopefully they can figure out who they are) and will use it as a tag on the treat bags. I might copy them use them as place cards as well.








February 4, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Invitations

Instead of buying invitations this year I decided to make them. I finished the artwork, but am having trouble with getting them to print.

and the inside reads:

(I did blur out the personal info, it's not like that in real)

February 1, 2012