The Edina Art Fair
Full of color and lots of fun!
Stephanie, my sister drove up from Iowa to help me, along with my friend,
Aysel and Jenny.
The People and Their Pets
The people we meet were fabulous. I bet we saw 200+ photos of dogs, cats and gerbils. It was great! The stories we heard, the parts of lives people so generously shared with us was wonderful. I was moved and humbled at the beauty and kindness of humanity.
The weather was gorgeous and people and dogs were happy to be out walking and looking at art, meeting new people and buying paintings.
The Paintings People Ordered
Here are a few of the paintings people ordered of their beloved pets, this is Charlie the Coonhound and his owner, Megan. They are an adorable pair.
I love this photo of Izzie, I call it the Shabby Chic look. The lady who ordered the painting wanted her dog to be wearing a tiara. She sent me this picture, then she sent a groomed photo. I chose this one.
The painting is called, Bad Hair Day, A crown fixes everything
This is is Teddy. His master is having surgery and her friend ordered a little painting to go by her bed in recovery. That face, those eyes, what kindness.
Here's Jack and Diane (I know, I love it) and Kelley with Jack's painting.
Not only did I meet people at the Art Fair, I get to meet them again when they pick up their art at my studio. And they usually bring their dog. It was a wonderful experience. I can't wait to do it again.
Jack wanted to be done super bright and he is also getting his own personalized set of greeting cards made, just for him! Whatta guy!