Pink and Green
(are you bored yet?)
But this is not about you, it's all about me, isn't that the point of blogging? A little (or a lot) of self indulgence. Anyways, today I am back at it AND caught up with my blog, and with the New Year, and all those New Year resolutions just around the corner hopefully I will stay on track and get tons of painting done everyday.

Now with that said, I have been thinking about New Year Resolutions and what I might do this year. I just watched Food Matters and am thinking about doing more raw this year, but that's boring and who wants to talk about food when we could talk art and projects. I definitely need to get organized and possibly think about staying on track with my thoughts and stop veering off subject. I am going to learn how to spell two word this year without looking them up every time, "definitely & restaurant" (yes I did just look them up). Back to art, I want to do big pieces, but I can't do one a day. I want to have a show somewhere and that requires volume and size. I want to get our (my sister and me) children's book published. I want to do do do and do some more. New Year's used to always be about diets, yuk and failure, it's so much more fun to think about bright and colorful opportunities and creations that await me on those big blank canvases stacked against my wall. April 10 is the end of this project, "everyday art" (one finished piece of art a day). I am going forward with my everyday art I might just change the parameters. I am having a blast of thinking of all the things I get to do this up coming year. Maybe I will post my list, or maybe I will even paint myself a cute funky check off list for 2012. Maybe I should add to my list that I probably need to learn punctuation and when to start a new paragraph, but I think I would like to have something 2013.