Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 238, 239 & 240

Same Old Same Old
(just with more color)
Day 240

I keep working it. I thought I would do orange, brown and white and that didn't turn out so good so I added turq, lime and pink and I kind of like it.

I wondered what it would look like if I just took portions of it and called it complete, here's a montage of several sections of the painting.

I kind of like just
big face of the flower

These little segments are
interesting. Could I live with
a giant painting like this?

Day 239
was my breakdown day of do nothing

Day 238

I actually got up and got this color painted on the paper and canvas. Then I felt so tired from over work and under sleep, I went back to bed and then on to the Gap to put in a full day of retail sales. Ouch & Crash.

I thought this looked cool, but in retrospect it probably matched how I was feeling (only better).

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