Saturday, January 4, 2014

December 2014 Calendar Stories

Happy Winter!

December is Christmas for me, but not for everybody. When I created the artwork for Rivertown Trading Company, they asked me not to do any religious holidays including Christmas. I have pretty much adhered to that advice. December is always winter and festive but I have never painted a decorated tree or Santa Claus. I keep it bright and happy and outdoorsy. Winter celebration. 

The story behind this little painting is not very deep or meaningful. I was working in a quilt shop, helping fill in some hours temporarily, and while I was putting away fabric, I totally fell in love with this red, pink and green print. There is inspiration everywhere you look, nature, fabric, architecture, city streets, shadows on the pavement, the design of the landing strip, its all around us all the time. I tried to remember how it went and I ended up using something like it as the border for the painting. Then all I needed to do was come up with a main scene. I don't remember how I thought of polar bears, maybe it was the trip to the zoo, or the constant reminding that the polar ice caps are melting and ruining the bears hunting season. I just did it. 

Wishing you all a very Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!

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