Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy 2015

Okay, so it's been a while since I last blogged, but it's a new year and new beginnings. I do post almost everyday on my Camp Studios facebook page, for your daily dose of cuteness needs, like Camp Studios facebook page.

What's new? It's cold in Minnesota, -37 windchill yesterday, and yet I still walked my dog, but it made me long for Sanibel Island off the gulf coast of Florida. This painting, Sanibel Calling, is available in 2 sizes on my etsy site, 8 x 8 or 14 x 14, painted on wood, ready to hang, can you smell the salt air and feel the sand and sun?

The Queen

Painted for a friend's birthday. A painting of her Corgie Peetie, it really wasn't my idea, but I liked it so much I copied it and had a great time 
doing the project.

Peetie Goes Bad

Another depiction of my friend's Corgi, I couldn't help myself.....she moved to Texas and I imagined her dog getting in with the wrong crowd and going terribly astray.

The Courtesan

Because who doesn't need a Raccoon with a giant wig full of blue birds 
staring them down over the dinner table?

Viking Warrior Girl

For all you who are, or who know someone fighting the fight 
with cancer. This particular painting is of my mom. My friend asked
me to do another one for her. 
She lost her dad a couple of years ago, but liked the
image of my mom and her valiant sword.

Check out the paintings on my etsy site Camp Studios

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