Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 19, 20 & 21

My beautiful sister got married this week and I have tried to capture the sweetness in several watercolor paintings and feel like I have not done her justice. But I had promised myself to paint everyday for 1 year and post (that I have not been able to do everyday, however I have painted everyday). So, here they are:

Day 21

Day 20

Day 19

This is the one Jack jiggled the table, I am posting it, but I never said I would post it clearly :)
I just couldn't do it, sorry my friends


  1. i am this sister. Kristin did a good job. can i also have some of these drawings? i love you so much!!!! thank you for creating this art.

  2. Crudy!!!
    Once again, I am highly happyized by your art! I want one of these paintings too. I know Elizabeth gets first pick though. Love, Steph
