Monday, December 14, 2015

2016 Art Calendar

Welcome 2016 Merry and Bright!

I like to imagine a world of joy and happiness. I've heard myself saying, "I'm not a fine painter, I'm a fun painter." And as I've been thinking about that statement, I've realized that I focus on the beauty and joy in the world, and thru painting I try to add more of that into our environment.

I discovered Susan Wallace Barnes is no longer doing her calendar this year, and if you are one of her fans, you might want to take a look at my calendar on my CampStudios etsy site. I have 2 sizes, 11 x 14 and desk size 5 x 7 just click on etsy button at the top of this blogpost. 

These are a few pictures from the 2016 calendar.  If you are interested, click on the orange ETSY button at the top of the blog which will take you directly to my etsy site. Keep Merry and Bright all year long!

Happy New Year! 

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Edina Art Fair


Full of color and lots of fun!

Stephanie, my sister drove up from Iowa to help me, along with my friend, 
Aysel and Jenny.

The People and Their Pets

The people we meet were fabulous. I bet we saw 200+ photos of dogs, cats and gerbils. It was great! The stories we heard, the parts of lives people so generously shared with us was wonderful. I was moved and humbled at the beauty and kindness of humanity.

The weather was gorgeous and people and dogs were happy to be out walking and looking at art, meeting new people and buying paintings.

The Paintings People Ordered

Here are a few of the paintings people ordered of their beloved pets, this is Charlie the Coonhound and his owner, Megan. They are an adorable pair.

I love this photo of Izzie, I call it the Shabby Chic look. The lady who ordered the painting wanted her dog to be wearing a tiara. She sent me this picture, then she sent a groomed photo. I chose this one. 

The painting is called, Bad Hair Day, A crown fixes everything

This is is Teddy. His master is having surgery and her friend ordered a little painting to go by her bed in recovery. That face, those eyes, what kindness. 






Here's Jack and Diane (I know, I love it) and Kelley with Jack's painting. 
Not only did I meet people at the Art Fair, I get to meet them again when they pick up their art at my studio. And they usually bring their dog. It was a wonderful experience. I can't wait to do it again.

Jack wanted to be done super bright and he is also getting his own personalized set of greeting cards made, just for him! Whatta guy!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Westie Mermaid

Under the Sea

Westie Mermaid

A rare sight awaits in this sea. 
A Westie Mermaid swimming along with an octopus, 
this painting is full of enchantment and fun.

I've been painting mostly on wood panels that stand alone, or can be hung a on wall. Sometimes I paint on wrap around canvas. I love frames but the cost can be more than the actual artwork, I try to do "wall friendly" art. It saves money and time on deciding what kind of frame to purchase. With that said, I am going to introduce a line of framable original prints to purchase this spring. 

This enchanting little 12" x 12" Mermaid can be purchased on my 
Camp Studios etsy site. 
Click the orange button below and you will be magically transported.

Also if you want to sign up for your daily dose of cuteness, head over to my facebook page and "like" Camp Studios. Click the link below.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Place Art

"Happy Place Art"

Golden Retriever

This cute Golden definitely qualifies to go in your "happy place," where those soulful eyes meet up with the ever warm and loving heart of your faithful friend.

You have a great new painting but what do you do with it?
I think a lot of people struggle with hanging artwork. I do.
 Is it right, does it look okay there? I always ask myself, "does it make me happy?" I like to have a collection of art and objects
 that make me smile when I look at them. 
I found a helpful article from Better Homes & Gardens that offered
 helpful tips and tricks to make displaying art less stressful.

Yep! That's a Happy Place!
This painting is available on my Camp Studios etsy site. 
Click the orange button below to magically be transported.

And if you want your daily dose of cuteness,
check and "like" my facebook page

Friday, April 10, 2015


A Trip to Florida

How can one go to the sea and not envision life underwater?

The sea is so full of life, color and mystery. One can make up all kinds of stories and wonderful adventures. But I didn't. I just asked my mom, as we were walking along the beach on Sanibel, for a mermaid scene and and she suggested adding a seahorse, which sparked this idea. Voila! No mystery, no adventure, just lots of color and imagination. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Edina Art Crawl

Happy Spring!

Jump for Joy

Westie Mermaid

Edina Art Fair Window for Bone Adventure

The project is for the artist to design a visual display with their art. I was paired with the upscale dog store Bone Adventure, so why not a doghouse out of dog paintings, add a tree and a couple of clouds and boom!

At the last minute I decided to add the little leaping frog painting, Jump for Joy, since the opening of the show is on the first day of spring.

The project was very fun and challenging. I have no real tools, but a friend called and invited me over to use her power tools, she and I worked together to get the roof made, and to put some sides on the frame I had built with my little hacksaw and hammer.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Big Dogs

Reggie the Pitbull

Colorpop Pups




Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hello Sunshine! Hello Happiness!

February in Minnesota

One of the most dreary dreaded months of the year. Period.
It is cold. It is gray. It is miserable. 
Hello Sunshine! Hello Happiness! 
Hello Life! Hello Love!
Hello big, juicy, lively lemons in full wonderful color!

Well I finally did it. The Big Giant Lemon painting. I love it! It is the definition of Happy.
It makes me happy.
Happy is good.

I have decided to put it on etsy, and sell it and make someone else happy. I am going to paint another one and get happy all over again. I have painted this painting at least 5 times, this is by far the largest, why stop now?

So if you are interested, just tap on the orange etsy button and you will magically be transported to Camp Studios etsy site where you can get all the details. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Arrows to the Heart

If You're Not In The Room, Turn Off The Lights!

In 2011 I decided to make art everyday for 1 year. Part of the experiment was to experiment with styles. This was an attempted departure from the cutesy lambs and fairy puppies.

I'm Not The Girl For You

Monday, February 16, 2015

What Does the Fox Play

The Nice Girl

 Sugar and spice and everything nice.....

What Does the Fox Play?

The original idea and painting went to my cousin's new baby. I wasn't sure what color the nursery was, but I was pretty sure all little girls like to pretend. I planned to do a series and painted the picture above, but never got around to the Twirly Fox, third one in the series. 

These paintings are available on my Camp Studios etsy site, just click on the orange etsy button on this page and you will magically be transported to the site.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Nabokov Must've Had a Dog

 Love At First Sight

This quote by Vladimir Nabokov made me think he must've of had a dog.
I also thought about the first time you hold your newborn baby. 
Love at first sight.
(so it is possible)

(And of course it's always fun to see how the computer loves art.)

The best version of ourselves may truly be with our pets.
That makes me sound kind of sad, but it seems so true. 
The statement that goes something like, 
I want to be the person my dog thinks I am, is not so far off.